The Story (Finding Domain Joined Servers Services users)
If you’re wondering which of your servers are using domain joined account or a non regular account like network service or system. You will need to go through every server’s service console and check that one by one but thanks to PowerShell this job was made like a piece of cake.
The requirement to run this script is a domain admin account since the PowerShell will require access to other servers using Remote PowerShell using Invoke command and run a Get-WMIObject script to find out those details. So in short I will write the required things for this to work
1- Logged in to Active Directory (In order for AD PowerShell module to run and find computers).
2- Domain admin account (To run the remote PowerShell on other servers and get service details)
3- Firewall for domain joined computers is open (To allow remote PowerShell to work) or have remote PowerShell enabled via GPO.
The Script will also show you the offline (inaccessible servers) and will state those servers as down as you can see in the screenshot below.
The script will also prompt you for a path to save the output. You can enter something like C:\Services.csv as soon as you type the file path and extension it’ll be opened using Notepad.
#Check servers down and get services from the responsive servers
$Computers = Get-ADComputer -Filter { OperatingSystem -Like ‘*Windows Server*’}
$Input = ForEach ($computer in $computers){
$comp = $Computer.DNSHostName
$dist = $Computer.DistinguishedName
if (Test-Connection -Computername $comp -count 2 -Quiet )
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $comp -ScriptBlock {Get-WmiObject win32_service | where {$_.StartName -notlike “*LocalSystem*” -and $_.StartName -notlike “*LocalService*” -and $_.StartName -notlike “*NetworkService*” -and $_.StartName -notlike “*System*”} | select DisplayName,StartName,State }}
else{ Write-host $comp is down -foregroundColor red -BackGroundColor black
$Output = Read-Host “Enter File path and Name to save output to”
Out-File -FilePath $Output -InputObject $Input -Encoding ascii
Notepad $Output